11/14/01 - Latest News
Live Chat Decipher's Steven Long!
Berendir @ 6:46 pm EST
Now that Decipher's LOTR TCG is out in stores, it's time to take a look at the Lord of the Rings RPG and Adventure games in development. What better way than an exclusive LIVE CHAT with Steven Long, a developer working on the two Decipher projects. Check out his Bio to learn more about his past work. The chat is schedualed for this Saturday at 5PM EST, in our Barlimans chat room. Check back for more information and details on how to be a part of this event. Update: November 17th, at 5PM EST, TORN held a Live Chat with Decipher's Steven S. Long. The chat lasted TWO hours, where Steven fielded questions from our very own fans, who came extremely well prepared! Having just finished the first draft phases, details of this promising Middle Earth Role Playing Game have been brought to the public eye for the first time right here at TheOneRing.net. If you role play, love Tolkien's works, or liked what you saw of Decipher's LOTR TCG, give this a read! [More]