by Flinch
How does one get his Fire Warriors to a safe firing distance? With a Tau Devilfish! Let's start our Devilfish off with a nice coat of Chaos Black Spray Paint from the Citadel Paint line.
Now we take Vermin Brown and coat the entire Hull of our Devilfish, trying our best not to get paint into the seems that surround the command hatch.
The main color of our Devilfish comes by painting a good coat of Vomit Brown [ew!] over the model, again keeping as much of the seem lines paint free and dark.

To finish up our model I took Scorched Brown [or a mixture of Bestial Brown and Scab Red] and painted various blocks of paneling like the front and back of the command hatch. You can also use the included transfer sheet to apply some great Tau Writing to your craft, and go through and use Brown Ink to clean up any areas of the paneling that were botched while painting the base coat. Now the fun part, take a dead brush, one with bristles sticking out every which way. Dip that brush in Scorched Brown and then wipe most of it off on a napkin. Now very quickly do spinning motions randomly on the model and it will pick up a dirty look to the edges, now your model has that warn look that shows its been in the middle of it all!
Painted a miniature already? Have pictures? Send them in! We'll feature them in our Games' Workshop customs gallery! Just drop em to and we'll put the best models up for all to enjoy!