by Flinch
When you pick up your Uruk Siege Troops Boxed Set, it comes with two of these Fierce Plastic Berserkers, they are slightly different than the standard Berserkers which are metal, so I have a seperate guide for painting these Torch wielding foes. As always start out with a good undercoat of Chaos Black Spray and let that dry.
Now go ahead and paint his skin with Bestial brown, add a little bit of Skull White to your brown to paint his loin cloth, and dry brush some Boltgun Metal onto the chainmail. Use the same dry brush [a bit heavier] to paint his sword, we don't want it too clean. Now take the finest brush you have, and dip the side of the brush into some skull white, and take a little bit off by whipping it on the side of it's jar. Now with the side of that brush, line up a thumb, and four fingers on the Berserkers face, then follow up with the palm of the hand. This will give the very stunning White hand of Saruman look, just be careful not to fill in the eye sockets.

Now you'll want to take Bad Moon Yellow, and cover his torch, then lightly paint a watered down Blood Red onto the Bad Moon Yellow and this should run together making a nice orange effect. Now simply toss on your terrain sand, I decided not to go with any grass for my Uruk force as the Valley at Helm's Deep didn't really have any plant life, and you're set.
Painted a miniature already? Have pictures? Send them in! We'll feature them in our Games' Workshop customs gallery! Just drop em to and we'll put the best models up for all to enjoy.